Environment Day decision from the Green Left Party

ANKARA - The Green Left Party declared June 5, World Environment Day, as the "Day/Week of Collective Resistance Against Ecological Destruction".
Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Co-Spokespersons Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and İbrahim Akın published a written statement on the occasion of June 5, World Environment Day, which was accepted in 1972.
Stating that since the acceptance of World Environment Day, capitalism continues to change and destroy the world's ecosystems on a large scale, the statement said: "Unfortunately, the world is in the '6. entered the process of 'the great mass extinction'. The capitalist system continues its attacks against nature by the governments on June 5, Environment Day. Our mountains, forests, agricultural areas, seas, lakes, streams, streams, wetlands; “Everything we have about our living spaces is being plundered.” In the statement, on the 689th day of the watch held for the Akbelen Forest, there was a reaction to the intervention of the soldiers and the Forest Management teams in the guard area.
The statement said: "From those who struggled against the rubble removal activities that threaten nature and public health in the earthquake region, and the expropriation of lands and houses, from those who resisted the tree massacres in Cudi, to the women of the village who opposed the construction of solar panels in Samsun to defend their pastures, of the Gezi resistance. In its 10th year, from those who took care of their cities, parks, forests, pastures, seas, rivers, history and comrades, those who filed a lawsuit against the chrome mine in Munzur and the gold mine in Divriği, from the people of Deştin, who were on trial for not wanting a cement factory, to the people of Avdan who filed a lawsuit against the urgent expropriation decision. The struggle for nature is rising from all over the country, from the people of Aydın who resist the geothermal power plants that drag the Aydın Plain to death, to the defenders of life raising the cry of Büyük Menderes. We are declaring . We will stop all ecological destruction, and we will continue to raise our struggle for the punishment of ecocide criminals. We will win, nature will win."

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