There is a great hope for Kurdish alliance says Sheikh Xeznewî

  • actual
  • 11:48 25 December 2024
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RIHA - Returned to North and East Syria from Norway where he settled after his father was murdered by the Baath regime, "There is a great hope for a Kurdish alliance today," says Sheikh Murşid El Xeznewî. 

Sheikh Murşid El Xeznewî, the son of Sheikh Murşid Maşûq El Xeznewî, who was assassinated by the Baath regime on 1 June 2005, returned to North and East Syria from Norway. In Norway he had settled after his father's assassination, and started working for Kurdish national unity. Xeznewî met with Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) General Commander Mazlum Abdi to unite Kurds around the same demands during the transition period in Syria and continues his meetings in Qamishlo and Derîk. 
Evaluating his meeting in North and East Syria, Xeznewî stated that he came to the region for an important purpose such as Kurdish alliance and said: "We have tried many times to strengthen a Kurdish approach. The views that looked at each other with hatred came side by side with this understanding and approach for the first time today. Thank God that this time they came together, talked and discussed. It was discussed that the Kurds' demands in Damascus should be one with the alliance to be formed, and that the Kurds should send a message of unity. Decisions were maed about this. It was also decided that these meetings should continue."
"I hope these meetings will create a unity in this sense adn continue" said Xeznewî and added: "At the beggining, the ENKS's attitude towards the Kurdish alliance was also positive, but they remaind silent to General Mazlum Abdi's call. They all serve the Kurdish people in their own way. They are also trying to conduct politics for their people. They had some criticisms, yes; but thank God they took a stance on the Kurdish alliance and coming together under the same roof, and their approach was positive in this respect. They also attended the meeting and made a decision. We believe that this alliance and unity will be carried out."
Stating that Kurds are not the Kurds of the past and unlike the past, they are in a position to have a say about themselves, "Many edicts were written for us in the past. We had difficult days, we were tortured. But today Kurds are political. Kurdish youth, men and women, are everywhere producing politics. They are creating future for Kurds. What is missing for us todat is a Kurdistan alliance. When that alliance materialises, we will have done a great work. The Kurds' word is also valued by the nation states. There is a great hope for a Kurdish alliance today," he said. 
Stating that religious scholars will play an important role in the formation of the Kurdish alliance, Xeznewî continued as follows: "Everyone should be aware of their own rights. The roles of sheikhs and religious scholars in this matter are very important. They are the ones who will answer the questions in the minds of the people and give them hope. today, we have shown to the peoplei we are in contact with them. Despite different beliefs we have we need to accept each other. Accepting each other does not mean ‘You will be like me’. It means that just as I have rights, so do you. We must establish coexistence.’ 
MA / Ceylan Şahinli