Election start in 2 cities from Green Left Party

NEWS CENTER - The Green Left Party started its election campaigns in Van and Mardin.
Women who are members of the Greens Left Future Party (Green Left Party), Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) gathered at the HDP Mêrdîn Provincial Organization building with the election agenda. Speaking at the meeting, HDP Provincial Co-Chair Berivan Bahçeci pointed out that they are going through an important process and said: “As women, our role in this process is very important. In this process, our mission is very important to bring an end to AKP-MHP fascism. In this process, we also need to play our role and mission. In this sense, we are going to this election with the Green Left Party. This time, we will write history with the color of the Green Left. The women stated that they started the elections in the city."
The Green Left Party Wan Provincial Organization, together with the representatives of non-governmental organizations in the city, gathered in a wedding hall with the election agenda. Hundreds of citizens attended the meeting. Speaking after a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy, Green Left Party Van Provincial Co-Chair Gönül Uzunay condemned the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and political prisoners, who were held under heavy isolation conditions in İmralı Prison.
Reading the election manifesto on what to do in the election activities. Sağınç described the May 14 elections as "settlement" and Tuncer Sağınç, one of the executives of HDP Wan Provincial Organization said: "May 14 should not be seen as just an election. We are obliged to turn these elections into an accounting ground in the 100th anniversary of the Republic."

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